Sunday 11 September 2016

Using technology to improve our lives!

Living in the hustle and bustle of today, many people like us tend to flee to the peace and quiet of the countryside. Very often people go alone and nobody has any idea of where they are going or how long they will be away, not very clever I suppose but we all think..nothing will happen to me.......and low and behold there is an accident...... we need medical assistance...what now???

There are also many elderly people living alone and I have heard so many times of a person falling and not being able to notify anyone.....they sometimes lie for hours even days before someone realizes there is a problem .... that poor granny, grandad has been in agony for hours...

Sportsmen and women using The helo will also enjoy the many benefits:


With a dedicated APP on your smart phone, you can understand and record your data and progress to obtain a complete schema of your vitals and health behaviour in REAL TIME to understand what is happening to your body. Even disease prediction directly on your wrist.

HELO can measure biological rhythm and mood recording emotions, fatigue, sleep quality Management, exercise, breath rate, heart beat and ECG. Daily, weekly and monthly reports available.

·       Photoplethysmography Sensor, measures Blood Volume Pulse (BVP), heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure, blood oxygen and other cardiovascular features.
·       3-Axis Accelerator
·       Captures motion based activity
·       Fitness: step, distance and calories
·       Sleep Quality Management
Tags events and correlates them with physiological signals so one can understand what is happening with your body.
PANIC BUTTON:  Don’t Panic
·    With the panic button you can automatically call and SMS your loved ones (and if you have also registered your Doctor who should receive notification as one of the people to be notified in an emergency, he/she will also get a call and receive an SMS) or if you are suffering allow you to obtain all the help you need.
·       GPS positioning system saves time and lives

·   With remote monitoring alerting family and friends, HELO keeps track of the vitals and health parameters of your loved ones, they will be warned if some value is not in the correct range.
·       This means less stress for everybody
EXAMPLE: If someone has a seizure disorder due to a head injury, this will help the Doctor know exactly what was happening in her body leading up to her seizure and during the seizure.  He can then choose the correct medication and treatment for her and decide maybe how they want to interact with her seizure disorder.

Our modern lifestyle puts us in contact with many positive ions generated by smart phones, computers, TV, electrical wiring, electronic devices, Toaster, Microwave ovens, UV rays and more…… An excess of positive ions in the body causes muscle stiffening, headaches, decreases the metabolic cycle, accelerates aging and makes us more susceptible to diseases. These effects are well known.

HELO balances the body with negative ions neutralizing the effect of the positive ions.

What happens to the body when you eat Pink Himalayan salts

So you’ve been hearing about this amazing Himalayan crystal salt for the last few years, and now you’re wondering, is it really better than sea salt or table salt?

How does it benefit my body versus those other salts? 

Well, it is packed with some pretty amazing benefits, making it a wonderful alternative to table salt and an exciting new staple to add to your pantry.

 First of all, what makes Himalayan crystal salt so amazing? About 200 million years ago, there were crystallized sea salt beds that were covered with lava. Because this salt was subsequently enveloped in snow and ice for millennia, it was protected from modern day pollution and preserved in an untouched, pristine environment. The Himalayan mountain range goes across Asia, and passes through China, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and India. Many people believe that this pink salt is the purest salt that can be found on the planet.

Minerals & Energy

Himalayan Salt contains the same 84 trace minerals and elements that are found in the human body; that alone is quite impressive! A few of these minerals include: sodium chloride, sulphate, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. When consuming this salt, you are actually getting less sodium intake per serving than regular table salt because it is less refined and the pieces are larger. Therefore Himalayan salt has less sodium per serving because the crystals or flakes take up less room than the highly processed table salt variety. Another great thing about this salt is that, because of its unique cellular structure, it stores vibrational energy. The minerals in this salt exist in colloidal form, which means that they are small enough for our cells to easily absorb.

Some of the benefits that you can expect to enjoy by consuming this salt in place of regular table salt include:
  • Aids in vascular health
  • Supports healthy lungs and respiratory function
  • Promotes a stable pH balance within the cells
  • Reduces the signs of aging
  • Promotes healthy sleep patterns
  • Increases libido
  • Prevents muscle cramps
  • Increases hydration
  • Strengthen bones
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves circulation
  • Detoxifies the body of heavy metals

Comparing Himalayan Salt To Other Salts

Sea Salt
While still a better choice than table salt, sea salt is becoming increasingly processed, and, let’s face it, our oceans are becoming more and more polluted each year. Because of the pristine conditions that Himalayan salt has been kept in, it is said to be the purest salt available today.

Table Salt
Regular, commercial table salt is completely stripped of the majority of its minerals with the exception of sodium and chloride. It is then bleached, cleaned with chemicals, and then heated at extremely high temperatures. The iodine that is added to table salt is almost always synthetic, which is difficult for our bodies absorb properly. It is treated with anti-caking agents, which prevents the salt from dissolving in water and clumping in the salt container. These agents then prevent the salt from absorbing into our own bodies, which leads to a buildup and deposit within the organs. This can cause severe health problems. Studies have shown that for each gram of table salt that is consumed that the body cannot process, your body will use 20 TIMES the amount of cellular water to neutralize the amount of sodium chloride that is present in this chemically treated salt.
This is largely the reason why salt has gotten such a bad name over the years. It is not necessarily salt that is unhealthy for us, but rather refined table salt that is inferior for our health. Aside from that, many of us are consuming way too much processed food. These foods contain astronomical amounts of salt, and it isn’t the good kind. It’s not about limiting our intake of salt; it’s about consuming more natural, homemade, whole foods. This way we can add salt while cooking or sprinkle some on our meals without having to worry about high blood pressure and so on.

Article by Collective Evolution

 Also of cause used in The Helo!

Monday 5 September 2016

Recognize A Heart Attack Before It Even Happen

Recognize A Heart Attack Before It Even Happen

However prevention is always better..
We must do our utmost to stay health...
Eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables...
The  green ones work well...
Nuts, seeds and legumes...
Avoid fatty cuts of meat..
Eat more fish....
No smoking.
Learn to relax...
Get more exercise running, biking, swimming
Do get your nights sleep as this is when the body
has time to reboot and recharge...

Enjoy life!!!

Sunday 4 September 2016

In todays fast world we all need to take note of our health!

Natural healing and wellness have always interested me.

My concern is that we all rush around day in, day out with very little concern for our health.

Until something happens and we get that wake-up call......if we are lucky....

This product I would like to share with you is very special to me as it has combined Science and

Technology with natural elements......


The Ipo-Allergenic band contains replaceable and removable titanium plates,
with stones of pure Germanium at 99,99% and crystals of Himalyan Salt.


Germanium (Ge) is a naturally occurring
semiconductor. Number 32 in the periodic table
of the elements, it is also a natural antioxidant.

Himalayan salt
Himalayan salt predominantly consists of
sodium chloride and contains the same 84 natural
minerals and elements found in the human body.

HELO is a game changer in health care.
This is the most advanced wearable wristband on the market. 

Unlike the common wristbands, HELO is a real time 24/7 constant, discrete monitoring device, not limited to just monitoring and reporting physical data, but it has active sensors, mineral and stones that directly influence the human body.
If you would like to take a look, visit the website below.